Mid week two and already I am making changes in my mind set but it was time to take an active role. Work was cancelled and instead of the usual sleeping-in routine, I decided to make the whole day count. Not only did I hit the gym early in the morning, I also chose to walk there instead of taking my car. It is only about a 10 minute walk and I really want to cut out driving as mush as possible. I am starting to discover that running affects my emotions - I always end up shedding a tear or close to one. In my defense, I run on the treadmill in the
Cinema room at the gym. So there is always a movie playing and I am already emotionally vulnerable while watching movies. My low this week - crying to The Water Boy.... Embarrassing? You bet - but hey, can't help it. My favorite part about running in the cinema room is how dark it gets. I love how it is really hard to see people because I don't like people seeing me run or workout. That is why it is difficult for me to run outside - too many witnesses. Plus, it is a lot easier for me to simply walk while trying to run outside. The treadmill is in constant motion so unless I pull the plug I can't stop. I've come to find that the best movies to run to are the action packed ones with chasing and car races. However, don't expect to hear anything but the background music. I usually plug into my ipod and listen to fast, upbeat songs while watching the movie. Hey - I need all the motivation I can get to keep me running!

After the gym a friend took me to a
shooting range. Okay, when I first heard about this I envisioned being out in the middle of a field and doing summersaults while shooting.... Not a pro here, nor have I ever shot a gun before. So, no fields, just an indoor booth with a target you move to desired distance. It was awesome though. I shot a few rounds from a pistol and a rifle. Used the rifle scope and reenacted a scenario that I was being attacked by
zombies. Let's just say I would probably be better off hiding on a rooftop or armed with a machete.... I pretended to be all gangster with the pistol - emptied a clip as fast as possible, reloaded and emptied again. To be honest, I was really placing myself in the Resident Evil movies. All in all, it was a great experience, though I am not condoning playing with guns - I was still being really safe and careful.

After feeling
empowered from the shooting range, I went home and jumped onto a
Team Forward Fitness Call online. Originally I had not planned listening in, but a few minutes before it started I read Brigitte's post on facebook that there were spots still open, so I made a choice and jumped on. I am really glad I did because Brigitte, along with two guest coaches, really explained what being a
Beachbody coach is really about and how it all works. I had no idea beforehand! I learned about Coaching
bootcamps and becoming an
Apprentice Coach. When the call ended I immediately called
Amber and talked to her about all the information I learned. I really wanted to join a bootcamp. The call instilled a fiery drive in me to become more active as a Beachbody Coach. I still have a lot to learn and not ready to start my own challenge group or anything, but I wanted to learn more.
Turns out, Amber just started a Bootcamp under Brigitte, so I sent her a message to ask if it was too late to join. Well, I made it in and just had about a week of work to catch up on - easy peasy. Week two in a challenge group and now I've joined a coach bootcamp. I already felt like I was on facebook a lot but I have a feeling I'm about to become Real close with it. Oh boy.
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