Eating right is a major key player in
Lifestyle Change. I cant expect my body to change completely for the better without addressing my eating habits. And frankly, they are not always that great. I am not following any particular meal plan that Beachbody provides, but just focusing on my portion control and replacing foods with ones better for me. I have learned that I am not very dedicated when I completely restrict something out of my diet such as chocolate or candies. So, I simply told myself
reduce not restrict. Allowing myself to eat sweets but limiting the amount works well for me most of the time. Now, given the choice to eat something "not so great" I usually turn it down or only take one. I often think, "I'd rather waste my sweets on something better." Confession - I'm not 100% with this mind set. Sometimes I just really want to eat all 10 of those homemade cookies. After starting this challenge group I have been pretty good at keeping away from sweats and fried foods. However, every day is a continual battle, at least for now. Drinking Shakeology does help fill the void of snacky foods, so that is good.
First step of eating right -
prepare before hand. I went to the store day 3 and bought a bag of frozen chicken breasts among other things. I baked a few chicken breasts to have in the fridge, ready to be eaten for the week. Lunches have been pita pockets and I thought adding chicken would be a nice change. Last week I had bought a small container of Extra Firm tofu. So I busted it out and chopped the cube into small squares. Cooked them on a frying pan and soaked the tofu in soy sauce. Chicken and tofu cooked and ready to be added to any meal! I also filled a container with chopped bell peppers of various colors. So that has been helpful, also having a large bag of carrots - I reach for those instead of crackers. Add some humus and it's a fair trade, taste wise!
Second step - stay busy! When I have work off and I am just sitting in my apartment all day, I swear sometimes I can hear the kitchen calling my name. It is so easy for me to stop by the cupboards as I walk by. Staying productive keeps my mind off of eating. I eat when I'm bored! So, can't be bored, got to do things. To help with this I try to write a list of things I want to get done for the day and then do them. I know I have a few projects that I've started a long time ago, so those are nice to dust off and continue working on them for a bit.
I still have a long way to go before I get a handle on portion control and eating completely healthy. But one bite at a time, right? Today's mini challenge was to read
Stop the Hunger from Fitness Motivator and comment how we can improve our diet. The article was pretty good and I recommend you all read it. What I took from it - I need to
slow down when I eat! I usually rush through my meals because I hate "wasting" time eating, I just want to get it over with. However, this makes me eat a lot more before I realize my stomach is full. Slowing down helps me register what my body is trying to tell me. Also, I need more fiber. Replacing foods full of fiber with other snacks will help curve hunger and keep me feeling full.
Workout for the day -

Countless of people over many years have always talked to me about Yoga and tried getting me to do it. I have done some moves here and there once and awhile but I have never liked Yoga. Never wanted to do it! Primarily because I know I am not flexible and it's just sad when I try to be. But, Yoga was on my workout schedule and so Yoga is what I am going to do. Today was the first time with to say, not as bad as I thought. I actually liked it a lot. It was a nice and welcoming change from the resistant bands and cardio. Afterwards I had my
Shakeology - this time I added a banana. I liked it, but in the end I felt there was too much banana, I really just wanted the shake plain in the end. Weird.
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