Why? If I was asked years ago to become a
Beachbody coach, or even join a challenge group, I would have probably brushed you off. So why now? What has changed? I decided to
Take Control of my life!

Most of my life I have played the role of a "
door mat." Not fun. In high school I thought it made things easier, but really it only made me less confident about who I was and wanted in life. I did not hold much value to my name and I believed that I was only "going through the motions." I thought living this way would keep me safe from disappointment and failures.
Not true! I didn't take responsibility for my life - by doing this I was giving up control. Never sure of who I was made me feel angry towards myself all throughout high school and continued on into college. The only thing I had going for me was to study Biology in college. However that quickly changed when grades tanked and I began to doubt myself. I had no confidence and believed that I could not do it. The love I had felt for plants and Biology was fading and soon I was confused at what I was to do. There was one point in my life where I actually stopped trying because I thought it was too late to succeed or anything. [I know now that was not true]. Eventually I switched majors and life became more enjoyable. I made great friends in my classes and began to try hard once again.

I have recently graduated and now work at a very small landscaping business. And I mean small - I am currently the only employee. I was grateful for the job but little did I know that it was only going to create more stress later on! I love the work I do and get along with my boss, however it is turning out to be not the best situation for me. Well, end of the year came and
New Year's Resolutions were on my mind. At first the same old list pops up, "read this, do better at that, finally finish... etc." However, this time I wanted real goals, ones that I don't simply check a box next to, but ones that help build a bridge towards a better lifestyle. I reached my limit of feeling negatively about myself and life, so I made a decision -
Taking back the Control of My Life!
So, pumped with my "epiphany," I started the year determined. I began working on neglected projects and tried becoming more involved with those around me. I got a gym membership and started going 3-4 times a week.
I was set. Or so I thought. After a month, my initial drive was starting to wain and things at work were getting worse. I needed more structure...something that tied together the changes I wanted.
So, there I was. Minding my own business watching my sister's adorable children dancing, when my sister joined me on the couch.
So, that is why I joined Beachbody. But how does Beachbody help achieve my desire to Take Control of my life? Well, you can see as I take you through my first
90 Day Challenge Group!
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