Saturday was a blast. Why? The best saturdays always start with some form of physical activity. Today was
basketball for me. In honor of March Madness, I joined a 3 on 3 little basketball tournament with my church members and today was my first game. Woke up pumped and headed over early to watch my roommates first game as well. The tournament was held in a very small gym with carpeted floors... slightly different then playing on hard/waxed floors. Cheering on my roommate only increased my excitement to play. I have to give a shout out to my roomie - she did awesome!

Hour later and I was up. I was the only girl playing but I loved it. Playing full court (okay, so the full court was way smaller then regular sized courts) and constantly running to and fro - heart rate rising. It was a great game with a mixture of sweat and even a little bit of blood. My roommate was cheering from the side lines and frequently gave shout - outs to my "good looking legs." She made references to
Shakeology - even saying that I would make some for the winners. Of course she was joking, but it was great. One way or the other I am slowly helping with getting the word out about Shakeology. She claims that she can see a difference, especially in my legs. Do I agree?
Why yes! Have a lost a ton of weight already - No, but that's not the point. I'm working hard to tone my body and stay fit. It might just be me, but I really believe I can tell a difference already. My skin feels tighter and I even my love handles feel smaller and less noticeable. I am waiting till the end of week 4 to do some measurements, but I am excited to read the numbers!
Sunday - life officially changed.
My boss emailed me back and I have finally made the decision to look for another job. I replied that I wanted to take the week to look for another job and would consider the possibility of coming back in the future if things were more in order. It felt good to finally take action after months of worrying and uncertainty. Now I look forward in job hunting - I am currently surged with feelings of
worth and great
potential. I am a strong, independent woman who can achieve anything my heart desires. There lies the problem - hearts desire. What is it? That is a question I am constantly in search for. However, today I made one step closer in figurring it out.
Facebook. So open for the world to see...well at least to friends and random people who I knew once. However, I finally decided to post an Instagram photo about Shakeology on my facebook wall. There are only a few close friends of mine who know I am a Beachbody coach and even then I don't think they really understand what that means. They just think I am trying to eat better and workout more. Which is true to an extent.
Was I really coming out though on facebook about bing coach - not really, but this picture was a step. The picture generated a little bit of conversation - found out my friends mom from back home drinks Shakeology. And a high school friend began to ask questions about it. It freaked me out at first - but then I felt more in control. Okay, I totally had help from Amber. She is always my "
Go-To" gal who helps me with practically everything. Good thing she loves me!
Wait - what are those weird looking blobs in my photo?
Oh, you mean the
Shakeology No-Bake Cookies. Not bad eh? Slowly figuring out the secret to eating good and not letting temptations sway you from the path - treats.
Healthy treats. Treats you don't have to feel guilty eating. Everybody wants to end dinner on a sweet note, right? Well, just you say no to donuts or cake, doesn't mean you can never eat anything that tastes like it has sugar again. Make healthy yet great tasting treats.
My first attempt at Shakeology cookies turned out not too bad. Well, for starters, I am not a huge fan or regular No-Bake cookies. I ran out of Peanut Butter so the honey took over the taste more - which I actually prefer. Super easy to make and you can store them in your fridge so you can have a nice supply for when that sweet tooth starts to ache.
So, not too shabby for a weekend - quit my job and outed Shakeology on facebook.